Hello! I'm Patrick, a.k.a. Paddyk45, a 16-year-old developer from Hamburg, Germany! I am currently learning Rust.
If you want to contact me for some reason, send me a friend request on Discord (see header). If I deny your friend request, just send another one.
Alternatively, you can contact me on Signal (@NaN.1337) or Matrix (@paddy:binarytr.ee)!
You can also send me an E-mail on [whatever]@[the domain you are currently on]
I also have a site to find 88x31s! You can find it on buttons.paddyk45.de
- Nikolan for giving me paddyk45.de! ❤️
- Northernside for giving me binarytr.ee! ❤️ ❤️
- Brutecat for sponsoring the server that all the services on here are hosted on! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️